How Creators are Shaping Culture, Media, and Social Strategy

Influencer360 took place on 10th April 2024 at Ham Yard Hotel, London

Influencer360 brought to you by PRWeek and Campaign. We united industry practitioners from leading brands and agencies who discussed the latest opportunities and threats to the lucrative influencer landscape. Together our attendees discovered how to identify and utilise influencers, build creative and innovative campaigns, and how this lucrative industry is ever-evolving.


Why attend?

At Influencer360: 

Attendees got first-hand insights from leading brands, agencies, and content creators to learn from the highs and lows of their influencer partnerships.

We answered your questions with experts on the legal side of influencer marketing to avoid costly pitfalls and what to watch out for with our contracts.

You heard from the industry about what they were doing to drive more socially impactful, diverse, and inclusive content for their influencing campaigns and content.

Together we found out about the future trends in influencer marketing so that we didn’t miss out on new opportunities.

You networked with our peers and fellow industry experts from marketing and PR during extended breaks.

Who attended?

  • If you want to learn more about the ever changing landscape in influencer marketing, then look no further than Influencer360 – this year, we’ve covered everything from nano-influencers in niche spaces to snapchat, evolving legal landscape in influencer marketing and de-influencing as a trend – it’s a truly 360 snapshot of what’s happening today and a sneak peak into the future! Not to mention, a great opportunity to network!

    — Grace Fung

    Influencer Marketer , Coty UK&I

Our 2024 Speakers & Agenda

2024 Key Themes


We explored how influencers are the drivers of cultural trends and how they reshape consumer behaviour.


We delved into the role of influencers in media consumption and production. 

Social Strategy

Attendees discovered how businesses and brands could leverage influencer marketing for effective social strategies.


Our 2024 partners